Bounce Back Loan Help

bounce back loan help

Tailored Bounce Back Loan advice from Parker Walsh

Could I be personally liable for the Bounce Back Loan?

Firstly, please don't worry. Let’s figure this out and put a strategy in place for you.

It's highly unlikely that a personal guarantee was given by you, so there should be no risk to you personally. However, it may be subject to certain conditions related to how the Bounce Back Loan was obtained and how it was utilised.

Bounce Back Loan Quiz

Are you concerned that you might be personally liable for the Bounce Back Loan? If you complete the confidential quiz below, a licensed insolvency practitioner will send you the results and advice on what you can do.

Take our Bounce Back Loan Quiz

When was the company incorporated? 
Whether the company was incorporated pre- or post-2019 can make a difference.

2019 Onwards

How was the loan utilised?

When the Bounce Back Loan was received, what was it spent on? 

Business Usage

Personal Usage

To receive the results of the Bounce Back Loan Quiz, please enter your details below. We'll be in touch with our findings. If you would rather speak to someone, please contact the office and we'll be happy to help you.

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What are my options if I can't repay the Bounce Back Loan?

It is important to discuss with your lender all the options that they are willing to provide, such as a repayment holiday or lengthening the terms of the loan.

If the lender is unwilling to do this or the options are not suitable for you then you may want to consider a formal insolvency procedure such as Liquidating the company if it is insolvent.

Take the quiz to find out if your Company may be insolvent

It is highly unlikely that you will be able to strike the Company off if there is an outstanding Bounce Back Loan.

Can the Bounce Back Loan be written off?

Simply, put: no. The company cannot write off its Bounce Back Loan. The only way to do this would be for the company to go into an insolvency procedure such as liquidation. Only then will the lender or the government consider it uncollectable.

All consultations are discreet and confidential.
We don't charge for our advice. Our friendly team are available via phone or email.
We don't pass on your details to another company. Everything is dealt with in-house

Get in touch with us on 0161 546 8143 or request a callback

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